A Brief History of the Internet and Security Issues
Imagine! It's 2006 and you're trying to connect to the internet. Instead of getting on your phone to search the web or opening your laptop with it automatically connecting to the wifi, you are connecting to the closest telephone port so that your dial-up connection can scream and yell at you for what seems like an eternity. Oh how those were the days! Little did we know how fast the internet was about to evolve! Fast forward 14 more years and the internet has become something we can't live without, but when the heck was the internet born? Well, if we could travel back in time we would see that in 1969 two men communicated for the first time ever using computers, giving us the birth of the internet. It wasn't known as the internet though, it was known as ARPANET. This quickly changed during the '70's with the creation of the TCP/ IP, but unfortunately with this new creation along with the world wide web security issues became more prevalent. Fast forward to the '90's where we start to see the birth of what would be considered the modern day internet; more people are using computers for personal use than ever, thus creating more security issues. This birth and evolution of the internet has changed everything in our lives across the entire world. We are one world connected now! We are also facing more security issues than ever...please protect yourself when using the internet!
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